Didier Traullé Guerisseur- Magnetiseur- Rebouteux - Energéticien

My life as a healer by Didier TRAULLE

My life as a healer by Didier TRAULLE

He had entered with canes
One hour later,
He was dancing the Charleston…

I wanted to write this book to bear witness to my life as a healer, to share my thoughts, to relate the extraordinary encounters with the people I have helped, relieved, and sometimes healed. It’s a fantastic adventure. Although I have made it my main activity, it is not a job but a priesthood.

Nothing is more wonderful than being able to relieve the suffering of one’s neighbor, whether physical or psychological. You will find the story of my journey as well as the many anecdotes describing the healings I have achieved.

An exciting book, exposing in a simple and factual way the benefits of “unusual” methods of care, their origin and their application in everyday life. There is no need with this book to believe in the occult sciences or anything else to appreciate its sincere and deeply altruistic character. The author reveals with great authenticity his career and his working methods, before humbly exposing the results. This book is not a “guide of the perfect little healer”, but constitutes at the same time a testimony of life, a profession of faith and a rigorous study.


2017 Didier Traullé le livre English – copie


  • Format : Papier
  • Prix : € 11,40 

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