Didier Traullé Guerisseur- Magnetiseur- Rebouteux - Energéticien


VALENCIENNOIS: in “My life as a healer”, Didier Traullé recounts his incredible gift (PHOTOS)

Published on 02/17/2013 – Updated on 02/17/2013 at 16:35

By Marlene Vitel

Didier Traullé is a healer in Vicq. In 1999, after a serious health accident, he became aware of the power of his gift by successfully applying acupressure. Since then, he has chosen to help others. He explains his job in a book, “My life as a healer”, published at the end of last year.

It must be admitted, for a rather down to earth spirit, Didier Traullé could pass for a charlatan. “I was a Cartesian myself before becoming aware of this gift. The results are there and I am sometimes surprised myself. His clients call on him for all sorts of pathologies. Word of mouth led them to Didier Traullé. “Charlatans are quickly unmasked. »

This is why he chose to take up the pen and write a book to tell about his profession, his experience. “You have to lift the veil, show that there is no magic in it.” A healer is not a sorcerer, nor a guru…

In 1999, Didier Traullé suffered a serious pulmonary embolism. He then uses relaxation to alleviate his pain. “It’s a gift I’ve always had. In my old life, I was not aware of the power it could have. It’s decided, now he will help others. “A gift is a tool. I grabbed this tool to see what I could do with it. He uses acupressure, but also Chinese methods such as the Tibetan bowl or the gong.

“Give Keys”

According to the healer, 80% of pathologies come from a psychological blockage, an emotional shock. “We find these blockages at the level of the body: my role is to find these blocking points. It’s all about rebalancing…” By working the body as a whole and not one pathology in particular, Dider Traullé harmonizes the energies. A concept that does not exist in Western medicine but is very present in Chinese medicine. “It’s very easy to understand… We depend on our environment and those around us. A depressive will drain your energy. A singer in concert will be boosted by the energy of the audience. »

Making the link between psychology and the human body to achieve healing is the objective of each session. “I don’t heal, I trigger the healing: I give keys but it’s

your healing, not mine. “For some patients, the mere fact of meeting Didier Traullé will be a detonator, like a placebo effect: “a healing technique like any other”. The healer boasts a 75% success rate. His results, he says, are excellent when it comes to fibromyalgia. “Between four and six sessions on average, sometimes for years of pain. People regret not having known me before! »

But Didier Traullé does not want to appear as a rival of medicine, he considers to be rather a complement. “The problem is that we work backwards: we force-feed drugs and when that doesn’t work, as a last resort, we turn to alternative medicines. We must start with alternative medicine before this chemical bombardment.

Didier Traullé also works remotely, from a photo. He understands that this can make people skeptical. “I have not found a rational explanation for this. But the main thing is that it works.” At 75%.

Book available on Amazon. More info: www.guerisseur-traulle.com

English version. My life as a healer by Didier TRAULLE

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